海尼斯谈游泳时的手姿-英汉对照翻译 Finger Position Great question. First of all, there are two different parts of the stroke cycle where this is an issue. 1)Entry - as your hand enters the water to full extension you want to have minimum resistance and turbulence. This requires you to have all fingers and thumb together and pointed straight into the path you want the arm to follow - think in terms of feeling the onrush of water almost exclusively at your finger/thumb tips and nothing but smooth laminar flow across the tops and bottoms of your fingers. Catch no air. Cuppeth not thine appendages. 1)入水-当手掌入水时,你要想阻力和湍流最小,手掌就要完全伸直 。需要五指并拢,径直指向并进入手臂随之入水的路径,――手掌入水时,要感到水流猛冲手指和大拇指尖,并感到水流平稳地流过手心和手背。不要带入空气。手掌不要成凹形,成凹形就起不到手掌的作用了。 2)Stroke - once you have reached full extension, allowed your arm/hand to dally there whilst your other arm recovered, and are ready to begin the stroke there is no need to try to hold the fingers together - nor try to hold them apart. In general we want maximum presentation of "paddle" surface area at to the water - this is not really affected signifigantly by spread or closed fingers/thumb. Looking closely at video footage of elite swimmers one finds that they are quite different in how they "hold" their fingers - the finger positions change throughout the stroke and often vary greatly from right hand to left hand - though nearly all elite swimmers are amazingly consisent from stroke to stroke with either hand. Generally, when asked what they "do" with their fingers there is not a high level of awareness, tending, instead, more toward having a "feel" they search for. Oh yeah - and they cuppeth not their appendages. Hope this helps! 2)划臂-当一手臂已经充分伸展,另一手臂已经移臂时,要让手臂在那儿拖延一下。而即将开始划臂的手掌就不必试图并拢手指了--但也不要试图分开。总的来说,我们需要手掌在水中呈现出像"手蹼"那样的最大对水表面积。但是,这并不意味着手指和拇指的张开或并紧真的会起到什么作用。当你仔细观看优秀游泳运动员录像的某一个镜头时,就会发现他们"保持"手姿的方式完全不同,手姿在划臂的过程中始终都有所变化,右手和左手的手姿常常也有很大的差异。然而,几乎所有优秀游泳运动员划水时都令人惊讶地连贯一致。普遍地讲,当有人问及他们的手姿是什么样子,知道不知道有什么高标准时,他们都更乐于谈他们探索到的"水感"。哦,是的,--手要成凹型就不是他们的手了。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |