[打印] [关闭] 发布时间:[2008-7-17]
advertising cost 广告费 appraised 估价 basic price 基价 buying offer 买方发价 ceiling price 最高价 C.I.F. value 赶岸价 combined offer 联合发价 cost and freight (C.& F.) 到岸价;运费在内价 cost and insurance (C.& I.) 保险在内价 cost, insurance and freight (C.I.F.) 运费及保险在内价 counter offer 还价:还发价 current price 现时价 entertainment expenses 交际费 ex-dock (factory) 码头(工厂)交货价 ex-mine (plantation) 矿区(农场)交货价 wx-maker’s godown 制造商仓库交货价 ex-quay (wharf) 码头交货价 ex-ship 输入港船上交货价 first cost 生产成本价 floor price 最低价 franco 全部费用在内价 free alongside(on) ship 船边(上)交货价 free on rail 火车上交货价 free overside 出入港船上交货价 free out (F.O.) 卸货费船方免责 freight collect 运货由提货人交付 freight repaid 运费预付 freight terms 岸上交货价 landing (loading) charges 起货(装载)费 local (spot) 当地付货价 miscellaneous expenses 杂项开支 net price 净价;实价 offer on sale or return 许可退货发价 offer without engagement 不受约束发价 out-of-pocket expenses 零星开支 overhead 日常开支;日常管理费 packing charges 包装费 prime cost 原价;主要成本 rebate 回折 retail price 零售价 stevedorage 码头工人搬运费 storage charges 仓租 sundry chargesd (expenses) 杂费 surcharge 附加费 wharfage 码头费 wholesale price 批发价
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