采矿工业 mining industry
电力工业 power industry
电视机工业 TV industry
电子工业 electronics industry
发电设备制造工业 power equipment industry
纺织工业 textile industry
纺织机械制造工业 textile machinery industry
飞机制造工业 aircraft industry
服务业 service industry
服装工业 clothing industry
钢铁工业 iron and steel industry
工业 industry
罐头工业 canning industry
黑色金属工业 ferrous industry
化学工业 chemical industry
基础工业 basic industry
机械制造工业 machine-building industry; machine-making industry
机械制造业 machine-building industry
加工工业 processing industry
建筑工业 building industry
农业机械英汉翻译 [Agricultural Machinery]
剥麻机 flax braker
背负式喷雾器 knapsack sprayer
扁担 shoulder-pole
播苗机 seedling-planting machine
播种机 seeding-machine; seeder
采麻机 flax-picking machine
插秧船 rice-transplanting boat
插秧机 rice transplanter
叉 fork
柴油泵 diesel pump
柴油引擎履带式拖拉机 diesel-engined caterpillar tractor
铲 shovel
铲土机 scraper
抽水工具 water-lifting implement
抽水站 pumping station
锄 hoe
打谷机 thresher; threshing machine
打桩机 pile-driver
大耙 drag
大车 cart; farm cart
农业用语英汉翻译 [General Agricultural Terms]
播种面积 sown area; sown acreage
大幅度成长 to rise by a big margin
单位面积产量 per unit area yield
等值交换 exchange of equal values
电气化 electrification
多项经营 diversified economy in agriculture
分配 distribution
丰收 good harvest; bumper harvest
复种面积 multiple cropping area
耕地总面积 total cultivated area
计划生产 planned production
开发山区 development of mountainous areas
开垦荒地 land reclamation; to open up wasteland
科学化种植 scientific farming
扩大耕地面积 to bring more land under cultivation
劳动力 manpower; labour force
连年丰收 to score consecutive good harvests
农忙季节 busy farming season
农闲季节 slack farming season
农业贷款 agricultural loans
农作物育种词汇英汉翻译 [Farm Works]
DDT杀虫剂 DDT; dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane
氨水 ammonia water
白粉病 powdery mildew
斑点病 scab
雹 hail
暴风雪 blizzard
表土 topsoil
病虫害 insect pest and plant diseases
播种 sowing
拨节期 jointing stage
补全苗 filling up spaces by transplanting
不毛之地 barren land
采 to pick
菜青虫 cabbage worm
菜子饼 rapecake
藏 to store
草肥 straw manure
插秧 rice transplanting; to transplant rice shoots
长势 growth vigour
长相 growth feature
农作物蔬菜词汇英汉翻译 [Agricultural Crops]
白薯 sweet potato
百合 lily
包心菜 cabbage
荸荠 water chestnut
蓖麻籽 castor bean
扁豆 lentil; hyacinth bean
菠菜 spinach
菜豆 lima bean
菜花 cauliflower
菜苔 peduncle; flowering stalk
蚕豆 broad bean
草菇 mushroom
茶 tea
长绒棉 long-staple cotton
长圆白萝卜 winter white radish [long cylindrical]
赤豆 small red bean
春小麦 spring wheat
慈菇 arrowhead
粗粮 coarse grain
大白菜 Chinese cabbage
农田水利词汇英汉翻译 [Irrigation Equipment]
暗渠 culvert
变旱田为水田 to turn arid land into irrigated fields
草坝 fascine dam
承载力 bearing capacity
抽水站 pumping station
船道 navigation channel
打井 to dig a well
淡水湖 fresh water lake
导沟 inlet channel; inlet ditch
导流 diversion
堤 dyke
堤防 embankment
堤防工程 embankment project
渡槽 aqueduct
发电工程 project for power generation
防波木排 floating-log breakwater
防洪 flood prevention
防洪工程 project for flood control
防浪堤 breakwater
防汛 flood prevention
单位福利待遇英文翻译 [Welfare & Remuneration]
安全措施 safety measures; safety precautions
安全规则 safety regulations
安全帽 protective work helmet
安全设备 safety devices; safety installations
安全生产 safety in production
安全与卫生条件 safety and sanitary conditions
安葬补助费 funeral allowances
八小时工作日 eight-hour day
白班 day shift
保健费 health subsidies
保健食堂 nutrition canteen
补助费 allowance; subsidy
残废补助费 disability allowances
产假 maternity leave
定期健康检查 regular health checkup
防火措施 fire prevention measures
防止矿尘 prevention of silica dust
福利设施 welfare facilities
改善环境 to improve the environment
工厂福利费 factory welfare fund
工厂名称英文翻译对照 [Names of Factories Terms]
茶厂 tea processing factory
唱片厂 gramophone record factory
车辆附件厂 railway car parts plant; railway car accessories plant
车辆制造厂 railway cars plant
瓷釉厂 enamel plant
灯泡厂 electric bulbs factory
地球物理仪器制造厂 geophysical apparatus factory
电表仪器厂 electric instrument plant
电池厂 battery plant
电动机厂 electric motor plant
电工器材厂 electrical appliance factory
电机厂 electrical machinery plant
电缆厂 electric wire and cable factory
电器厂 electrical appliance factory
电线厂 electric wire factory
电影机械厂 film machinery factory
电影胶片厂 cine-film factory
电影译制厂 film dubbing studio
电影影片洗印厂 plant for developing, fixing and printing cinematographic films
电影制片厂 film studio
手工业词汇英汉翻译 [Handicraft Terms]
手工业 (1)
所属分类:总目录 >> 产业门类 >> 手工业
八扇屏风 floor screen; eight-leaf big screen
八仙过海 The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea
白玉 white jade
白云石 dolomite
半瓷半陶器 semi-porcelain
薄胎瓷器 egg-shell china
背挠 back-scratcher
贝雕 shell carving
贝雕画 shell picture; shell mosaics
逼真 lifelike; true to life
鼻烟壶 snuff bottle
笔筒 brush barrel
碧玉 jasper
壁灯 wall lantern
壁毯 tapestry
编结工厂 weaving and knitting workshop
编织工 weaver
匾 plaque
玻璃画 glass painting
林业用语英汉翻译 [Forestry]
保持水土 to conserve water and soil
保护区 district of a guard
材林 timberland
采伐 cutting; felling
采伐工 lumberman
采伐计划 cutting plan
插枝繁殖 cutting propagation
茶园 tea plantations
长剪 long cane pruning
成活率 survival rate
除草剂 herbicide
除侧枝 feathering out
春季嫁接 spring grafting
带土栽培 to plant with root ball
低干整枝 low-headed training
调节气候 to regulate the climate
冬季修剪 dormant pruning
短枝修剪 spur pruning
伐木 lumbering
伐区 cutting area
水产鱼类英汉翻译 [Aquatic Products]
白鲢 silver carp
鲍鱼 abalone
贝介 shellfish
比目鱼 turbot; flat fish
曹白鱼 Chinese herring
草鱼 grass carp
船民 water-side population; boatman
大鱼网 seine
带鱼 scabbard; cutlass fish
淡菜 dried mussel
淡水养鱼 fresh-water fish-culture
凤尾鱼 long tailed anchovy
干贝 scallop; scallop meat
干小虾 dried shrimp
蛤 clam
龟 tortoise
桂鱼 mandarin fish
海参 sea cucumber; trepang
海产 marine product
海带 kelp; sea tangle
牧副养殖业英汉翻译 [Stock Raising & Sideline]
安哥拉山羊 Angora goat
北平鸭 Peiping duck; force-fed duck
编筐 to weave baskets
编织 weaving and braiding
不孕 to reduce sterility
采集草药 gathering medicinal herbs
采蜜机 honey extractor
采石场 quarry
菜牛 beef cattle
蚕床 rearing house; rearing shed
蚕蛾 silk moth
蚕茧 cocoon
蚕室 rearing house; rearing shed
蚕子 silk egg
巢孔 cell
吃草 to graze
出肉率 dressing percentage
纯种公牛 pedigree bull
大家畜 livestock [horse, cattle, mule, etc.]
单峰骆驼 dromedary
环境保护词汇英文翻译 [Environmental Protection]
背风的 lee-ward
背风面 lee side
不冒黑烟 to eliminate black smoke
沉淀池 settling tank
沉沙池 grit chamber
初次沈清池 primary settling tank; primary clarifier
除尘设施 soot-eliminating devices; dust removal installations
处置 disposal
滴滤池 trickling filter
电渗析 electrodialysis
毒化河水 to poison the rivers
对流 convection
二次澄清池 secondary clarifier
废水生物处理 biological treatment of waste water
风力计 anemograph; anemometer
负荷 loading
改造炉窑 to renovate furnaces and kilns
格栅 bar screen
工业废水 industrial waste water
工业废物处理 disposal of industrial wastes
生产工人名称英文翻译对照 [Industrial Workers Terms]
包工 contractor
编织工 weaver
采矿工 getter
采矿工程师 mining engineer
厂长 director
车长 conductor
车工 turner
车间主任 workshop director
电镀工 galvanizer
电工 electrician
电焊工 welder
电气工 electrician
锻工 forger
翻砂工人 founder; foundry worker
钢筋工人 concrete reinforcement worker
工程师 engineer
工段长 chief of a section
工人技术员 worker-technician
工头 foreman; overseer; ganger
箍桶匠 hooper
生产管理用语英文翻译对照 [Production ManagementTerms]
半成品 semi-finished products
材料 materials
操作方法 working technique; method of operation
产品设计 design of products
超额完成国家计划 to overfulfill the state plan
成本 cost
成批生产 to produce by batch; serial production
成品 finished products
成套设备 complete plant; whole sets of equipment
传统产品 traditional products
大量生产 mass production
代用品 substitute
定额 quota
发挥投资效果 to raise investment efficiency
反对铺张浪费 to combat all waste and extravagance
分配制度 system of distribution
改进技术规程 to improve the technological process
工程项目 project
工业基地 industrial base
工艺 technology
电机电子词汇英文翻译 [Electrical & Electronic Industry]
△电路 delta circuit
△调变 delta modulation
△接法 delta connection
△接法匹配变压器 delta matching transformer
D正反器 D flip-flop
E型变压 E-transfor
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