[打印] [关闭] 发布时间:[2008-8-18]
财务费用类名词中英文翻译对照 制造费用 MANUFCATURING EXPENSES 工资 (非直接) Labor 职工福利费 Employee welfare 固定资产折旧 Fixed asset depreciation 修理费 Maintenance : 其中:机动设备 Plant and machinery 其他设备 Other machinery 生产房屋建筑 Production buildings and facilities 非生产房屋建筑 Non production buildings 机物料消耗 Machinery consumables 低值易耗品摊销 Low value consumablews 低值易耗品摊销 Low value consumablews 刃量模具费 Toolings and cutters 夹辅具费 Durable tools 外委劳务费 Outsourced labor 其他劳务费 Other labor costs 降温、取暖费 Heating fees 水电费 Water and electricity 办公费 Office expenses 差旅费 Travel expenses 运输费 Transporation costs 财产保险费 Asset insurance fee 设计制图费 Desgin and drawing fees 实验检验费 Laboratory testing fees 劳动保护费 Staff safety protection 租赁费(非融资租赁费) Leases and rentals 邮电费 Postage 资料费 Printed materials fees 排污费 Waste disposal 长期待摊费用摊销 Deferred expenses amortisation 工会经费 Union fees 职工教育经费 Employee eduction fund 劳动保险费 labor insurance 养老保险费 Pension insurance 失业保险费 Unemployment insurance 生育保险基金 Maternity insurance 工伤保险基金 Work injury insurance 独生子女补助费 Single child allowance 住房公积金 Housing fund 住房补贴 Housing allowance 医疗保险费 Housing hardship allowance 住房提租补贴 Housing rental allowance 质量保障费 Quality assurance expenses 其他 Others: 废品损失 Wastage loss 辅助材料 Other materials 燃料及动力 Fuel and energy 专用工具 Specialised tools 生产工人工资 Production workers salary 职工福利费 Employee welfare 生产工人工资性费用 Production workers other costs 物流费用 Logistics 销售收入 Sales Revenue 销售折扣 Rebate 实物成本 Material Cost 折旧 Depreciation 工资性费用 Fringe Benefit 净追索赔偿 Warranty 息税前利润 EBIT Financial Highlights Accounts receivable应收帐款 Inventory - Raw material原材料库存 - Finished Goods成品库存 - Other inventory其它库存 Total inventory库存合计 Accounts Payable应付帐款 WORKING CAPITAL营运资金
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 资料由 索文(北京、上海、广州、深圳、洛杉矶、柏林、香港)翻译公司提供,公司是国内首家在欧美、香港地区设立3家分公司的国际化连锁翻译公司,是中华人民共和国司法部指定的 专业翻译认证机构,翻译文件加盖经北京市公安局中英文特批中英文翻译专用章(特 No.0018457)所盖公章通行多个国家、地区。国家外汇管理局、各驻华使领馆、公安局出入境管理处、司法机关、公证处及其他政府机构均承认我公司的译文效力。公司网址:https://www.soven.com |