[打印] [关闭] 发布时间:[2008-8-21]
1. 除了厚度,整个模具的尺寸都可以. Overall mold size is Ok(except thickness) 2. 哥和推板的碰穿角度是多少? What is core to stripper seal angel? 3. 模胚上所有运水的喉牙用1/8NPT. Use 1/8”NPT for all water lines tapped in the mold frames. 4. 中间加水口钩针以保证开模时水口不会粘到行位的一边.客人会提供一份类似的设计过来. We will need a cenbter sucker pin to ensure the runner will not tip as cam open,I will send to you by fax a similar runner design that worked well. 5. 客人希望从开模的方向锁机器顶棍孔. We want to tie in the MKO from the open mold side. 6. 定位环最大直径5.5寸.今后所有这个公司的模具都要这样做. Make the biggest diameter of the location ring 5.5” in diameter so the platen traps it. Standard on all our molds please. 7. 推板螺丝倒置,这样模具在机器上也可以拆卸. turn around the stripper bolts for access in machine. 8. 保证推板有足够的避空位置,产品推出来以后,推板不会碰到流道. Make sure the stripper is clearance enough so it will not hit the runner when parts get stripped. 9. 材料是PP料,你们可以用16‰的缩水. The material is poly propylene.you may use 0.016 thousands for thrink. 10. 这是最终的图档. Here is the final artwork. 11. 孔的地方做镶件. Insert hole area. 12. 模胚尺寸和热流道可以定了. Mold size and hot runner is ok to order. 13. 哥上加运水. Add water to core. 14. 取消7”顶棍孔,加多一些撑头. Take out 7” Mko and add more support. 15. 哥的进胶口顶部也加凹陷. Add gete dimple to top of core also., 16. 此处单独镶针. This area to be inserted. 17. 样板检测报告 .initial sample inspection report 18. 客人想在外部边缘加两个孔,见附图,模具从前模加还是后模,客人不介意,如果从后模加,客人担心产品会粘推板,所以客人从前模设计了,这样做模会难一点,客人想先知道我们的想法看怎样加最好,目前不要改. I might want to add two holes to the flange on the bedriser. See attached file,it doesn`t matter to me whether two holes are produced from the cavity side or the core side of the tool. I was concerned that the part might stick t the stripper if we placed them on the core side so I have them coming from the cavity side. I think this may be harder for you to incoreporate into the tool though ,I don`t want to add them yet.but want your opinion on the est way they can be added . 19. 你如果还需要其他的信息请让我知道. Let us know if you need additional information. 20. 新进胶口骨位客人已确认. The new proposed gate tab position is approved. 21. 镶件要加硬. The inserts shaould be hardned. 22. 螺纹部分的镶件加大来包括碰穿部分,或者为碰穿部分再加多一套镶件. Either the isnerts for the threaded atea should be enlarged to incorporate the shut off area or a second set of inserts installed for th shut-off area. 23. 上边的镶件加多一个螺丝固定. Add a second screw to hold the top inserts in place. 24. 所有的模板和顶出系统加销钉来定位,保证对齐. Dowel all mold plates and ejector box for alignment. 25. 哥内运水孔加大到40MM. Increase core water I.D.to 40mm diameter. 26. 模具这样设计太大了,成本太高了,而且还要油缸,请重新设计,将产品立起来,做三板模. 4个型腔直接出在行位上,用机器顶棍直接推产品. Mold looks too expensive as it is designed too big and extra cost for cylinders, etc, so redesign and stand parts up. Make 3 plate ith 4 cavities cut into on cavity spilt and strip off with machine knockout ,ok? 27. 凹陷式喉牙. Water fitting recessed. 28. 请特别注意机器顶棍孔. Please pay attention to machine knock outs. 29. 请查看附件关于PM252-1的模具设计图. Attached please see mold design on PM252-1. 30. 至于水壶模图,整体可以,但是行位不安够,产品顶不出来. As far as the pitcher mold design, it looks great except I do not think that the cams have enough stroke to allow the part to be ejected. 31. 客人可以打开水壶图档,但是打不开水壶盖子的图档. I was able to open the pithcer mold design file,but not the lid mold design file. 32. 请看修改后的壶身设计图. Please See revised pitcher body mold design. 33. 请问这个零件所用材料的缩水是多少? How much shrinkage is the material of this part? 34. 零件的这个地方有点披锋. There is flash here. 35. 请审核此模具设计的初稿. Please see the first mold design. 36. 请报出这个零件的一出八的热流道模具的价格 Please provide the 1x8 hot runner mold quotation about this part 37. 这个零件的重量是多少? How much weight is this spare part. 38. 这个零件是采用的什么材料的? What metal is this part? 39. 零件此处有倒扣. There are under cut at this area of part. give me more flexibility ----------------------------------------------------------------- 资料由 索文(北京、上海、广州、深圳、洛杉矶、柏林、香港)翻译公司提供,公司是国内首家在欧美、香港地区设立3家分公司的国际化连锁翻译公司,是中华人民共和国司法部指定的 专业翻译认证机构,翻译文件加盖经北京市公安局中英文特批中英文翻译专用章(特 No.0018457)所盖公章通行多个国家、地区。国家外汇管理局、各驻华使领馆、公安局出入境管理处、司法机关、公证处及其他政府机构均承认我公司的译文效力。公司网址:https://www.soven.com |