[打印] [关闭] 发布时间:[2008-8-22]
体操 gym, gymnastics 屈体跳 piked jump 鞍马 buck 高杠 high bar 肩倒立 shoulder stand 吊环 hand ring 规定动作 required routine 蹦床 bounding table 双杠 parallel bars 单杠 horizontal bar 高低杠 uneven bars 平衡木 balance beam 体操凳 gym bench 艺术体操 artistic gymnastics 自由体操 floor exercise 圈操 hoop exercise 绳操 rope exercise 哑铃操 dumbbell exercise 棒操 exercise with clubs 带操 exercise with ribbons 跳马 vault 跳板 vaulting block 技术动作 后手翻 back handspring 前手翻 front handspring 侧手翻 cartwheel 屈体 body bent 后空翻 back flip 跳下动作 dismount 自由腾空 free flight 换握 grip change 倒立转体 handstand turn 摆动倒立 handstand with swing 挺身向后翻 fish flop 足尖跑 running on toes 助跑 running approach 小步跑 skips and hops 徒手 free hand 大回环 giant swing 马步跳 gallop leap 分腿跨越 stride vault 落地不稳 unbalanced landing 足尖站立 stand on tiptoe 跨越 stride leap 空翻 airspring 直体后空翻 back somersault 原地跳 jump in place 旋转 spinning 单臂倒立 one-arm handstand
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