The controller stands standard self-diagnosis state (0x89) after the diagnostic system starts.
在试验器 <-> 无线电收音机诊断通讯过程中,无线电收音设备的反应:
In the tester<-> in the process of the wireless diagnostic communication, the performance of the wireless set is as follows:
- 低频:静音
Low frequency: mute
- 驱动器例如盒式卡带,CD, CDW, MD, … 暂停
Drives such as cassette tape, CD, CDW, MD …pause
- 无线电收音设备的显示:DIAG. 双显示(选择了无线电收音机):DIAG.
Display of the wireless set: DIAG.double display (if the wireless set is chosen) :DIAG.
- 在通讯过程中设备的所有按键和自动同步发送机都将被锁定。
- All keys and the automatic synchronic transmitter are locked in the process of communication.
By way of exception the test of the control-unit, the volume regulator can be adjusted.
The wireless set resumes its original state (LSM) after diagnostic communication.
The safety code of the wireless set offered by the supplier is activated, so the diagnostic communication can function normally even though the wireless set is locked.
Attention: any operation on the storage unit of the wireless set is forbidden by means of the diagnostic communication. The storage unit is related to the code of the wireless set and its comfort degree. The operation hereby refers to reading and writing as well.
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